Are you great at selling North Carolina real estate—but not so much at internet marketing? Being a real estate professional means wearing many different hats, and that includes being able to market yourself. Every real estate professional needs a website, but it can be difficult to think about all the elements that need to go into a modern real estate website: design, mobile-friendly, and SEO.
Here are some tips for ensuring that your website meets today’s standards so you can turn visitors into clients.
#1: Be transparent to earn the trust of potential clients
Integrity is a crucial part of being a real estate broker. After all, clients are trusting you with one of the biggest financial decisions they’ll ever make. Be honest and open about your skills and experience, as well as what potential clients can expect along the way. Your About Page should include photos, your mission, your backstory, your passions, and so forth. It’s also a good idea to include a bulleted list of the entire process overview.
#2: Be aware of the user experience
When the internet was young, it was not uncommon for websites to be full of broken links and missing pages. Today, visitors to websites want fast-loading, intuitive-to-use sites. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot to do this. You can create a professional-looking website for free using platforms such as WordPress or Wix.
#3: Don’t underestimate the importance of SEO
You don’t need to be an SEO master, but you do need to learn enough about it to lay a solid foundation for your website. There are plenty of SEO influencers you can follow for free, such as Neil Patel, who is a major thought leader in this space.
Free Guide: Get real insights about how to increase your earning potential with this free North Carolina Real Estate Income Guide.
#4: Learn about analytics so you can measure success
You won’t know what is working unless you measure what you do; this is essential for a good online marketing strategy. Learn about Google Analytics and set up goals to measure your progress. Here’s a helpful podcast that can get you started.
#5: Test your website regularly
Make sure everything works properly on your website by checking it regularly—both on a computer as well as on your mobile device. Check from the most popular browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, when you’re on the computer.
No matter what elements you have in place to create a beautiful and functional website, the most important aspect of all is the value you’ll provide to your readers. This will keep them coming back for more and will create top of mind brand awareness when they’re ready to buy or sell real estate.