Superior School of Real Estate Blogs

Grow your real estate career with tips, trends and other insights.

Superior School of Real Estate Blog

News and insights to grow your career

Veteran standing proudly outside a residential home

5 Reasons Veterans Make Great Real Estate Brokers

Are you a North Carolina veteran transitioning to the private sector? Many veterans find that the valuable skills they picked up during their training don’t always get recognized in the job market, or simply don’t help when it comes to finding suitable careers for…

winter street

5 Tips for Real Estate Brokers to Keep Busy During the Winter

Real estate sales may be slow during the colder months in North Carolina. But that doesn’t mean your real estate business can hibernate, too. Slow periods can provide you with significant opportunities to improve your marketability, expand your client base, and grow as a…

real estate agent talking to homebuyers

How to Help Buyers Navigate a Hot Housing Market

As a North Carolina real estate broker, it’s your job to guide people through the homebuying process. In a competitive real estate market, that process can be particularly challenging for your buyer clients. You are there to help them make the right decisions so…

Young real estate broker achieving success in a low inventory market

5 Ways to Succeed in a Low Inventory Market

Are you a North Carolina real estate broker working in a low inventory market? A low inventory housing market means that competition will be fierce. It is likely that you will have to compete against other North Carolina real estate professionals to be a…

Woman's hands holding mobile phone to capture exterior real estate photos

6 Tips to Capture The Best Real Estate Photos

Photography has never been more important in the real estate industry. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of REALTORS®, homebuyers across the country rated photos as the feature they use most when searching for a home online. Web listings or advertisements…

Aerial View of New York City suburbs

Fair Housing, Is It? [Free Webinar]

On Friday, October 23, 2020, our sister school McKissock Learning is hosting a FREE non-credit webinar titled “Fair Housing, Is It?”  Join a virtual panel of real estate experts as they analyze the findings of the Newsday investigation, Long Island Divided, and discuss how…

How to Land Your First North Carolina Real Estate Listing

Getting started in real estate is no easy task, and many new North Carolina real estate brokers simply aren’t prepared for the hard work that goes into creating a successful career. Building a solid real estate business takes hard work and commitment, particularly when…