Superior School of Real Estate Blogs

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Superior School of Real Estate Blog

News and insights to grow your career

real estate business plan

7 Steps to a Strong Real Estate Business Plan

Before construction begins on a home, a solid architectural plan is laid out to guide the construction team. Similarly, your real estate business should start the same way. A real estate business plan may seem daunting to create, but it is critical to developing…

North Carolina Property Investment Strategies 101

North Carolina Property Investment Strategies 101

One of the best aspects of real estate investing is the variety of options that you can choose from. If you are thinking about property investment strategies—whether you have a North Carolina real estate license or not—you must be wondering which way to take.…

Real estate broker who's just helped a young couple find their dream home

5 Key Characteristics of North Carolina Real Estate Brokers

What are the most important characteristics of North Carolina real estate brokers? Whether it’s their desire to help people or their personal drive and ambition, a handful of qualities often distinguish the great brokers from the good ones. If you’re thinking about starting a…

Couple proudly shows off key to new home

Do You Need to Own a Home to Be a Real Estate Broker?

Those interested in getting involved in real estate may wonder if their personal real estate investments will impact their ability to succeed as a North Carolina real estate broker. Specifically, does being a homeowner impact your success as a broker? The short answer: No.…

man reading real estate book

Best Books for New Real Estate Brokers

As a new real estate broker, there is a lot to learn. While it may feel overwhelming initially, time, patience and education will all help. Education, in particular, will bolster your comfort level and your ability to help both buyers and sellers. One of…

Delegation Tips for Real Estate Brokers

Not great at delegating? Fret not—you can take it one day at a time, and you might already have the help you need in your existing personal and professional sphere. So, starting tomorrow, take the next five days to put a strong delegation strategy…