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real estate agent consoling client

11 Tips For Breaking Bad News to Clients

The world of buying or selling a home is not always joyful. Bad things happen—contracts fall through, inspections and appraisals come back with deal-breaking news, you need to drop the asking price, a buyer withdraws an offer. When those things happen, it will be…

Businesswoman pressing happy face emoticon on the keyboard laptop

5 Ways to Boost Your Online Reputation in North Carolina Real Estate

Real estate is a career with unlimited potential, but it’s also a highly selective market. Clients are particular about their real estate brokers, which makes sense—they’re about to make a costly and potentially life-changing investment. What’s highest on a client’s list when they’re choosing…

real estate jobs

10 North Carolina Real Estate Jobs and Their Salaries

Real estate has many wide-ranging careers associated with it, both directly and indirectly. Many real estate jobs require licensing—such as a real estate license—continuing education, or other certifications or degrees. Below we outline some of the different types of real estate jobs available today,…

Multicultural businesspeople standing together in modern workspace

How to Find the Best North Carolina Real Estate Brokerage

Whether you’re just getting started in North Carolina real estate or you’re a seasoned professional, having the right broker-in-charge is essential to a successful career. How do you find the best North Carolina real estate brokerage to suit your needs, goals, and personality? Follow…