north carolina Article Collection

Millennial home buyers getting the keys to their new house

How to Connect with Millennial Real Estate Prospects

Millennial home buyers have entered the housing market in a big way. As of 2015, Millennials surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest generational group in America, and they now make up the largest group of home buyers. As a new North Carolina real estate…

White Mouse Cable Forming A House Symbol on Blue Background

A Beginner’s Guide to North Carolina Real Estate Marketing

As a North Carolina real estate broker, one of your most important roles is that of a marketer. You’re marketing your clients’ properties. You’re marketing your community to potential buyers. You’re constantly marketing yourself and your services. Are you new to the business? Keep…

Newly licensed real estate broker shaking hands with a managing broker

How to Choose a Managing Broker

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, the first thing you’ll need to do after you pass your licensing exam is choose a managing broker (i.e., broker-in-charge). Don’t let the process of finding a managing real estate broker to work for intimidate you.…

real estate blog

5 Tips for Writing the Best Real Estate Blogs in North Carolina

Writing a real estate blog is a great way for North Carolina real estate professionals to build their brand and engage with local audiences. With blogging becoming increasingly accessible due to online platforms such as WordPress, Wix, and Tumblr, anyone has the ability to…

Real estate mentor and mentee looking at an iPad together

How to Find a Real Estate Mentor

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, you have been doing all of the “right” things to launch your career—networking, getting to know your market, working on your prospects list. Still, getting started in real estate can be challenging, especially in the first…

Professional woman and man using smart phone technology for real estate brokers on the go

Best Technology for Real Estate Brokers in North Carolina

The right technology can make life a whole lot easier for North Carolina real estate brokers. There are myriad tools available to help your business run smoothly, you just have to know which ones are worth trying out. In a survey conducted last year,…