real estate career Article Collection

real estate broker burnout

How to Avoid Broker Burnout

Ever catch yourself feeling like you just can’t find the motivation to complete the work you need to as a North Carolina broker? Feel like you’re caught in a perpetual state of “the Mondays” where even basic tasks like prospecting clients, replying to emails…

Newly licensed real estate broker shaking hands with a managing broker

How to Choose a Managing Broker

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, the first thing you’ll need to do after you pass your licensing exam is choose a managing broker (i.e., broker-in-charge). Don’t let the process of finding a managing real estate broker to work for intimidate you.…

real estate assistant interview

How to Hire a Real Estate Assistant in 9 Steps

The life of a real estate professional can be fast-paced and demanding. Scheduling, taking calls and handling everyday details can distract from big picture goals, which is why many real estate brokers and brokers-in-charge hire a real estate assistant. If you’re at a point…

Real estate broker gazing out her office window with a big smile

How to Have a Rewarding Real Estate Career

If you’re finding yourself unmotivated and uninspired in your real estate career, you might want to ask yourself why—then do something to change it. Everyone has an occasional bad day. But if your bad days are getting more frequent, it might be time to…

Local real estate market expert greets house hunting couple

5 Steps to Becoming a Local Real Estate Market Expert

Real estate, like politics, is all local. When North Carolina homebuyers and sellers are browsing the internet looking for the right broker to guide them through their next transaction, they’re looking for a local real estate market expert. They’re seeking someone with in-depth market…

Stressed young professional, rookie real estate broker working at home using lap top and looking anxious

5 Common Mistakes Made by Rookie Real Estate Brokers

When getting started in North Carolina real estate, it’s important to understand the common mistakes that can prevent you from realizing your full potential and achieving success in the business. Take your real estate career further, faster, by avoiding the following missteps made by…