real estate career Article Collection

Real estate professional showing a property to a happy young couple

5 Reasons to Choose a North Carolina Real Estate Career

As more and more people choose real estate careers, it’s estimated that employment within real estate is expected to grow 4 percent between 2020 and 2030 nationwide, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. What makes real estate an attractive profession for some…

Real estate mentor and mentee looking at an iPad together

How to Find a Real Estate Mentor

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, you have been doing all of the “right” things to launch your career—networking, getting to know your market, working on your prospects list. Still, getting started in real estate can be challenging, especially in the first…

A team of real estate professionals giving a group high-five to stay motivated

How to Stay Motivated Past January

January is the time when everyone is setting New Year’s resolutions for their professional and personal lives. But too often those goals and aspirations are abandoned by February. So, how can you keep those New Year’s resolutions and stay motivated to grow your real…

5 Reasons North Carolina Brokers Love Their Careers

Real estate is one of the best careers for overall happiness, according to a recent survey of brokers and brokers-in-charge across North Carolina. As a group, real estate brokers are optimistic about their careers and the future of the industry. You might be thinking,…

Busy real estate broker talking on smart phone in her office

5 Common Misconceptions About Working in Real Estate

Working in real estate can be highly rewarding both financially and in terms of career satisfaction. However, any real estate salesperson would tell you that it’s not always as glamorous or effortless as shows on HGTV would make it seem. Here are five of…