real estate career Article Collection

brand written in pencil

Building Your Real Estate Personal Brand as a New Broker

Personal real estate branding is the process of developing your own individual brand and fostering local brand recognition. If you think about the products and services you use regularly, you probably get a quick glimpse of their logo or brand in your mind. As…

Woman watching real estate-related shows on TV

Real Estate-Related Shows to Watch During Self-Isolation

With millions of people under quarantine or stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put together a list of real estate-related shows and documentaries specifically curated for new and prospective real estate brokers. Here are 25 shows that will not only keep you…

real estate agents shaking hands

How to Embrace Change as a Real Estate Broker

The real estate profession has always been in a state of constant change. It is an evolving profession that has always seen new business models, new technology, new approaches, and different markets. There is nothing new about change. What is different about the change occurring…

[Quiz] What Type of Real Estate Broker Will You Be?

Do you know how your personality will impact your success as a real estate broker? Take this quick quiz to see what type of real estate broker you’re likely to be.   Ready to get your career in North Carolina real estate started? Download…

Superior School Instructor

Instructor Spotlight: Len Elder

In the second installment of our Instructor Spotlight (click here to read our conversation with Bill Gallagher in the first Instructor Spotlight), we talked to Len Elder, one of the leading real estate instructors in the country. In January 2019, Len Elder, JD, DREI, CDEI surpassed 40,000…