Career Hub: Explore

Featured Explore articles

generate leads online

7 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

By Raleigh Realty Generating real estate leads online is a daunting task for many real estate brokers who may not know where to begin. When it comes to finding leads and bringing in new business, online technology is a fantastic tool. In this article, we…

homeowners renovating house

Renovation Tips for New Homeowners

Unlike many major purchases, homes don’t come with instruction manuals. As a result, the possibility of error, especially when it comes to home renovations, is large. As a real estate broker, you can help new homeowners avoid making costly mistakes, creating repeat customers for…

[Quiz] What Type of Real Estate Broker Will You Be?

Do you know how your personality will impact your success as a real estate broker? Take this quick quiz to see what type of real estate broker you’re likely to be.   Ready to get your career in North Carolina real estate started? Download…

Superior School Instructor

Instructor Spotlight: Len Elder

In the second installment of our Instructor Spotlight (click here to read our conversation with Bill Gallagher in the first Instructor Spotlight), we talked to Len Elder, one of the leading real estate instructors in the country. In January 2019, Len Elder, JD, DREI, CDEI surpassed 40,000…