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generate leads online

7 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

By Raleigh Realty Generating real estate leads online is a daunting task for many real estate brokers who may not know where to begin. When it comes to finding leads and bringing in new business, online technology is a fantastic tool. In this article, we…

homeowners renovating house

Renovation Tips for New Homeowners

Unlike many major purchases, homes don’t come with instruction manuals. As a result, the possibility of error, especially when it comes to home renovations, is large. As a real estate broker, you can help new homeowners avoid making costly mistakes, creating repeat customers for…

statute of frauds

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of “My Word Is My Bond”

You’ve heard the phrase, “My word is my bond.” You may have said it yourself. You may believe, as we do, that keeping one’s word is important. The problem is that, in the day-to-day practice of real estate, our words are simply not the…

real estate agents shaking hands

How to Embrace Change as a Real Estate Broker

The real estate profession has always been in a state of constant change. It is an evolving profession that has always seen new business models, new technology, new approaches, and different markets. There is nothing new about change. What is different about the change occurring…

real estate law book shelf

Deed Restrictions 101 for Real Estate Agents

Sometimes practicing real estate is like living in the TV show, The Twilight Zone. With apologies to Rod Serling… Imagine, if you will, the transfer of a farm where the seller will not allow the buyer to raise hogs. A farm with no hogs?…

real estate agent talking with client

How to Build Trust with Your Clients

The real estate profession is and always has been a people business. People do business with people they know, like and trust, and at the heart of the business lies the skills to cultivate and build relationships. Those who do not learn how to…

north carolina real estate hashtags

Using Hashtags for North Carolina for Real Estate Marketing

Social media is an essential tool for North Carolina real estate marketing, and strategic use of hashtags can increase visibility and improve organic reach on sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. When you use a hashtag on your social media post, you enable…