Career Hub: Grow

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Barbie-Inspired Interior Design Trends in North Carolina

Just like the Tar Heel State’s diverse landscapes and rich history, infusing Barbie’s signature charm into interior spaces can take many different forms and suit the tastes of all types of homeowners across the state. And, with some of the best cities to retire…

New email symbol on wooden block on laptop keyboard

5 Tips For Using Email Marketing to Turn Leads into Listings

All real estate professionals know, your lead generation is only as good as the quality of your leads. Without a precise lead generation strategy intentionally targeting your ideal clients, you very well could be wasting time, effort, and money catching lots of leads with…

real estate website

How Website Design Can Help Generate Quality Leads

The real estate industry is considered to be one of the most competitive online so it is a must that real estate brokers have a functional, highly converting and appealing website. It should be something that represents your brand in the best possible way. Brand…

realtor staging a home

Staging a Home for Quick Offers and Sales

Home staging is simply the art of setting up the property so that you highlight its best features while making it appeal to a larger audience. As the seller’s broker, it is your responsibility to counsel your clients on how to stage the interior…

Grey and white luxury kitchen in modern style

Level Up Your Kitchen With These 6 Renovations

As the saying goes, “the kitchen is the heart of your home.” When selling a home though, most real estate professionals will vouch that — as far as home improvements are concerned — kitchen renovations are worthy investments that will likely increase your resale value.…

Walkway to a fresh blanket of snow on residential home, holiday open house concept.

7 Tips for a Successful Holiday Open House

Selling a house around the holidays can be a difficult task. There’s a traditional assumption that this is when the market slows down. Despite that, many North Carolina real estate brokers earn more by capitalizing on less inventory to drive demand for buyers who…

Top 10 Tips for Growing Your Referral Network

Top 10 Tips for Growing Your Referral Network

For most North Carolina real estate brokers, lead generation makes up a huge part of each day. Many swear by cold calling or door knocking or paid advertising to ensure a steady flow of new clients and new listings. However, these cold leads take…

How to Become a Broker-in-Charge in North Carolina

If you’re a North Carolina real estate broker looking to take your career to the next level, you may be wondering how to become a broker-in-charge. The broker-in-charge license category is a higher level where brokers can supervise other brokers—and potentially earn more money.…

5 star customer experience satisfaction score with gold stars and satisfied real estate client writing a positive testimonial

How to Get the Most Out of Your Real Estate Client Testimonials

In real estate, your reputation among past clients is essential to building your business. That’s why testimonials should be a key component of your marketing strategy. Are you keeping your real estate client testimonials on LinkedIn or your personal website? Or do you have…

Red and white "Home for Sale, Price Reduced" sign in front of a stone, wood house that is for sale. Difficult listing concept.

3 Strategies to Get a Difficult Listing Sold

What do you do when you have a North Carolina real estate listing that just hasn’t sold? If you have a tough listing that keeps acquiring more and more days on market, it can be frustrating for both you and your seller clients. To…

North Carolina homebuyers, parents with child smiling and roof mockup over heads while sitting on floor in cozy living room, relocation concept

5 Categories of North Carolina Homebuyers

Every homebuyer is different, just as every home buying experience is different. Each of your clients will have their own set of likes and dislikes. As a North Carolina real estate professional, you should know how to tailor your approaches and strategies to suit…

Water floods residential neighborhood, homeowners' flood insurance concept

What Your Real Estate Clients Need to Know About Flood Insurance

Many homeowners mistakenly believe that floods won’t happen to them, and if it does, that a standard homeowner’s insurance policy will protect them from the cost of flood damage. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Floods can occur anywhere, at any time. Regardless of whether your…