Career Hub: Grow

Featured Grow articles

Barbie-Inspired Interior Design Trends in North Carolina

Just like the Tar Heel State’s diverse landscapes and rich history, infusing Barbie’s signature charm into interior spaces can take many different forms and suit the tastes of all types of homeowners across the state. And, with some of the best cities to retire…

New email symbol on wooden block on laptop keyboard

5 Tips For Using Email Marketing to Turn Leads into Listings

All real estate professionals know, your lead generation is only as good as the quality of your leads. Without a precise lead generation strategy intentionally targeting your ideal clients, you very well could be wasting time, effort, and money catching lots of leads with…

real estate website

How Website Design Can Help Generate Quality Leads

The real estate industry is considered to be one of the most competitive online so it is a must that real estate brokers have a functional, highly converting and appealing website. It should be something that represents your brand in the best possible way. Brand…

realtor staging a home

Staging a Home for Quick Offers and Sales

Home staging is simply the art of setting up the property so that you highlight its best features while making it appeal to a larger audience. As the seller’s broker, it is your responsibility to counsel your clients on how to stage the interior…

Grey and white luxury kitchen in modern style

Level Up Your Kitchen With These 6 Renovations

As the saying goes, “the kitchen is the heart of your home.” When selling a home though, most real estate professionals will vouch that — as far as home improvements are concerned — kitchen renovations are worthy investments that will likely increase your resale value.…

Real estate broker greeting an appraiser with a handshake to promote a positive appraiser-broker relationship

The Appraiser-Broker Relationship: What Real Estate Pros Need to Know

The struggle between appraisers and other real estate professionals can sometimes seem like a never-ending conflict. However, better communication between real estate brokers and appraisers could help to minimize problems. Both parties play key roles in the homebuying process, and it’s important for each…

tax tips for north carolina real estate brokers

5 Tax Tips for North Carolina Real Estate Brokers

Whether you do your taxes yourself using an online service such as TurboTax, or if you have a CPA to do them for you, here are some tips specifically for real estate brokers to keep in mind. Important tax tips for North Carolina real…

Young couple meeting with real estate professional to close a real estate transaction

Communication Tips for a Smoother Real Estate Transaction

Maintaining good communication with all parties involved in a real estate transaction makes closings smoother and faster. As a North Carolina real estate broker, you must act somewhat like a symphony conductor—coordinating the different players to achieve a successful transaction. It begins with the…

Home For Sale Sign in Front of New House

Common Home Pricing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

As an experienced North Carolina real estate broker, you know that when selling a home, your pricing strategy can make or break your chances for a quick sale. Pricing isn’t always a simple, straightforward process. It can often waste time and money and lead…

real estate cold calling script

A Real Estate Cold Calling Script That Works

Most people would agree: Making cold calls can be intimidating. It can be nerve-wracking to pick up the phone and call strangers. You also might be worried about getting an adverse reaction. But the truth is that, for new brokers in particular, cold calling…

north carolina real estate new construction

Selling North Carolina Real Estate New Construction

Due to record low mortgage rates and more and more homebuyers entering the market, home sales throughout the country have been setting records. Bidding wars are now common place, sometimes going well above asking price. With a shortage of resale inventory becoming problematic in…

real estate agent consoling client

11 Tips For Breaking Bad News to Clients

The world of buying or selling a home is not always joyful. Bad things happen—contracts fall through, inspections and appraisals come back with deal-breaking news, you need to drop the asking price, a buyer withdraws an offer. When those things happen, it will be…