Career Hub: Launch

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Couple proudly shows off key to new home

Do You Need to Own a Home to Be a Real Estate Broker?

Those interested in getting involved in real estate may wonder if their personal real estate investments will impact their ability to succeed as a North Carolina real estate broker. Specifically, does being a homeowner impact your success as a broker? The short answer: No.…

Newly licensed real estate broker shaking hands with a managing broker

How to Choose a Managing Broker

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, the first thing you’ll need to do after you pass your licensing exam is choose a managing broker (i.e., broker-in-charge). Don’t let the process of finding a managing real estate broker to work for intimidate you.…

Smiling young real estate professional assesses value of vacant residential property, dressed in professional clothing to reflect her personal real estate brand.

How to Define Your Personal Real Estate Brand

New North Carolina real estate brokers can often get caught up in the myriad of details that go into entering this profession. There are courses to take and tests to pass to become licensed. You need to decide on a broker-in-charge to help you…

Stressed young professional, rookie real estate broker working at home using lap top and looking anxious

5 Common Mistakes Made by Rookie Real Estate Brokers

When getting started in North Carolina real estate, it’s important to understand the common mistakes that can prevent you from realizing your full potential and achieving success in the business. Take your real estate career further, faster, by avoiding the following missteps made by…

Real estate mentor and mentee looking at an iPad together

How to Find a Real Estate Mentor

As a new North Carolina real estate broker, you have been doing all of the “right” things to launch your career—networking, getting to know your market, working on your prospects list. Still, getting started in real estate can be challenging, especially in the first…