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generate leads online

7 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

By Raleigh Realty Generating real estate leads online is a daunting task for many real estate brokers who may not know where to begin. When it comes to finding leads and bringing in new business, online technology is a fantastic tool. In this article, we…

homeowners renovating house

Renovation Tips for New Homeowners

Unlike many major purchases, homes don’t come with instruction manuals. As a result, the possibility of error, especially when it comes to home renovations, is large. As a real estate broker, you can help new homeowners avoid making costly mistakes, creating repeat customers for…

Realtor meeting with young African-American couple

10 Steps to Growing Your Referral Network Organically

Lead generation makes up a huge part of each day for most North Carolina real estate brokers. Many swear by cold calling or door knocking or spend money on paid advertising to ensure a steady flow of new clients. However, these cold leads take more…

New North Carolina real estate broker meeting with clients, taking notes

How to Succeed as a New North Carolina Real Estate Broker

As a new broker just beginning your North Carolina real estate career, you may be chomping at the bit to start showing and selling properties. But don’t rush in. Before you start scheduling open houses and investing money in marketing efforts, you need to…

real estate broker and clients

7 Steps For Winning New Real Estate Listings

Many real estate sellers and buyers out there believe that all real estate brokers are created equal. They may think one is no better than the other, and that all brokers have the same knowledge and skills. Of course, that couldn’t be further from…

3 Money Management Tips for New Real Estate Brokers

Money management is an important skill for budgeting and to keep afloat in this commission-driven profession—especially during the initial phase of launching your real estate business. As a new North Carolina real estate broker, you must deal with the unpredictability of when and how…

How to Land Your First North Carolina Real Estate Listing

Getting started in real estate is no easy task, and many new North Carolina real estate brokers simply aren’t prepared for the hard work that goes into creating a successful career. Building a solid real estate business takes hard work and commitment, particularly when…