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generate leads online

7 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

By Raleigh Realty Generating real estate leads online is a daunting task for many real estate brokers who may not know where to begin. When it comes to finding leads and bringing in new business, online technology is a fantastic tool. In this article, we…

homeowners renovating house

Renovation Tips for New Homeowners

Unlike many major purchases, homes don’t come with instruction manuals. As a result, the possibility of error, especially when it comes to home renovations, is large. As a real estate broker, you can help new homeowners avoid making costly mistakes, creating repeat customers for…

real estate cold calling script

A Real Estate Cold Calling Script That Works

Most people would agree: Making cold calls can be intimidating. It can be nerve-wracking to pick up the phone and call strangers. You also might be worried about getting an adverse reaction. But the truth is that, for new brokers in particular, cold calling…

Excited couple show off new home

6 Things You Need to Know About Millennials

If you work with first-time homebuyers, chances are, you’re going to be working with Millennials. Who are millennials? They represent the biggest generation in history and the biggest group of homebuyers in America. As a real estate professional, you need to understand the Millennial generation.…

north carolina real estate new construction

Selling North Carolina Real Estate New Construction

Due to record low mortgage rates and more and more homebuyers entering the market, home sales throughout the country have been setting records. Bidding wars are now common place, sometimes going well above asking price. With a shortage of resale inventory becoming problematic in…