Average Real Estate
Broker Salary in
North Carolina
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Whether you're an aspiring real estate broker looking into pre-licensing courses or an established broker considering leveling up to become a real estate broker, you want to know how much real estate brokers make in North Carolina.
The good news? North Carolina's growing population means more opportunity. As a result, based on data from our 2025 North Carolina Real Estate Salary Guide, full-time real estate agents in North Carolina can earn an average of $265,000.
The better news? As a real estate broker in North Carolina, you have control over your earning potential. You get to choose how and when you work based on your preferences and priorities.
Let's look at some more details about how much real estate brokers make in North Carolina.
What is the average real estate broker salary in North Carolina?
North Carolina real estate brokers have great opportunities to earn money. According to our survey, the average annual wage for real estate brokers in North Carolina is around $265,000. Even if you don't have clients from upper-tier markets, the sheer volume of active buyers and sellers in North Carolina produces a huge need for real estate brokers with expertise across price points and niches.
The average salary of a real estate brokers in North Carolina varies depending on experience, location, and level of success—with salaries often increasing as you get more years under your belt. Other factors that affect the average real estate income for first-year real estate brokers in North Carolina include:
- Your first-year marketing budget
- Your broker's reputation in your chosen market
- Your commission split with your broker
- Whether or not you have a mentor
- Whether you're part-time or full-time
- Your contacts and your networking skills
- Which city you work in
- And your understanding of your local market and/or niche
How much commission does a real estate broker make in North Carolina?
Real estate brokers in North Carolina typically earn commissions based on the sale of properties. Although it can vary, the commission rate is generally around 5-6% of the final sale price. So, if a home sells for $800,000—slightly under the median house price in North Carolina—the commission for the sale could be between $40,000 and $48,000 in commission.
However, one broker doesn't keep all of that. Since this commission is split between the buyer's broker, the seller's broker, and the respective brokerages, the actual amount earned by each broker is less than half of the overall commission rate.
Once accounting for these splits, the final take-home is more like 2-2.5% of the sale price for the buyer's broker and the seller's broker. Going back to the $800,000 sale example, the expected income would be around $16,000 to $20,000. That said, the NAR settlement could change how commissions work in the future.
While the commission rate contributes to your salary, arguably the most important factor is which North Carolina city you've chosen to work in.
Highest-Paying Cities for Real Estate Brokers in North Carolina
Because real estate is often about location, some cities offer opportunities to earn salaries even higher than the statewide average. While there's natural variance within each one, these cities have average real estate broker salaries above the North Carolina average:
- Huntersville, NC
- Durham, NC
- Raleigh, NC
- Cary, NC
- Charlotte, NC
Do real estate brokers get paid hourly?
Most real estate brokers in North Carolina do not receive an hourly wage or salary. Their income is solely through commissions on the sales of properties, as explained above.
While this means that a North Carolina real estate salary is not guaranteed or wholly predictable, it does mean that brokers have a unique incentive to work hard and close deals, meaning that you can have greater control over your financial situation.
A recent survey found that real estate brokers who work more hours earn more money—especially real estate brokers who work between 40-60 hours. So, you have some control over your financial picture. Even better, the survey found that the highest earners were also the happiest brokers, not just because of the income but because of the satisfaction of seeing hard work pay off.
What are the highest paying real estate jobs in North Carolina?
Some of the highest paying types of real estate careers in North Carolina include real estate brokers, real estate developers, and property managers. Real estate brokers have an additional level of licensing which requires a minimum of two years of full-time real estate sales experience. With this higher licensing, additional responsibilities, and often team management, brokers usually earn higher salaries than brokers.
Real estate developers also have the potential to earn significant incomes by managing and investing in real estate projects. Property managers who oversee rental properties can also earn competitive salaries in North Carolina.
How much do part-time real estate brokers make in North Carolina?
Real estate can also be a part-time gig. Obviously this means a lower potential income from real estate, but this can be a great way to supplement other income or have a flexible job while you focus on other projects, like pursuing education or turning to a new career.
Of course, the benefits are that part-time work allows one to experience a real estate career without immediately abandoning other sources of income. Starting out part-time may even make it easier to find out which niches and markets you prefer before committing to a career switch.
While a part-time salary probably won't be as high as that of a full-time broker, you can still make good money through commissions—and you can do it in a way that fits your schedule. To maximize your earnings, you may want to focus on specific niche markets—such as luxury real estate, a particular neighborhood that you know well, or a certain population or demographic.
Real Estate Broker Commission Calculator
A tool for brokers like you to calculate your potential commission on a house sale. Since commission is usually the main—if not only—part of an broker's income, it also can work like a real estate broker salary calculator!
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