Our instructors

Tricia Moylan
Postlicensing Instructor
Tricia is an attorney who began her law practice in the early 1980s in Ohio, initially as a staff attorney with the Toledo Legal Aid Society and then as a Referee in the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, Family Court Division. She returned to North Carolina in 1987, was admitted to the NC State Bar in August 1987, and practiced family law until 1999.
Tricia left private practice in September 1999 to accept a position in the NC Real Estate Commission’s Education & Licensing Division as the first Legal Education Officer, serving in that capacity for more than 18 years and learning from luminaries such as Larry Outlaw, Blackwell Brogden, Tom Miller, and Miriam Baer. As Legal Education Officer, she helped create the educational materials for the Commission’s annual Update/BICAR courses and was a co-author of the Commission’s NC Real Estate Manual, the approved text for the Commission’s post-license courses. She also created the educational materials for the Commission’s Broker-in-Charge course, oversaw its administration, and taught the course at various locations around the state from 2000 through 2017.
Tricia thoroughly enjoys sharing her knowledge with others and learning from them. She was well received as an instructor in the BIC Course by brokers across NC, whether the original 4.5 hour version or the 12-hour version. Students and instructors frequently comment that Tricia has an uncanny ability to explain complex concepts in simple, understandable terms, whether orally or in writing.
- University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill BA with honors in Psychology – 1978
- University of Toledo College of Law Juris Doctor – 1981
- Admitted to NC State Bar August, 1987 – present (active status)
- Admitted to Ohio State Bar November, 1981 – present (currently inactive status)
- NC Broker License 2002 (currently active status)
- CDEI – Certified Distance Education Instructor February 2018